Try-It Tuesday: OMENSIGHT

I had a pleasant surprise this week when Spearhead Games emailed me a keycode to play OMENSIGHT on Playstation 4.

In OMENSIGHT, you’re the “Harbinger,” a magical warrior who appears in times of crisis. As the game begins, you witness the end of the world but have the power to relive this final day, again and again, while investigating what happened and making decisions to change the course of events.

It’s a cool idea for a single-player game, and what really piqued my interest was Chris Avellone on the writing team. He worked on Fallout: New Vegas, Prey and many other games.

Gameplay is third-person isometric, somewhere between a side-scroller and a top-down game. The only isometric game I’ve played at any length was Diablo III years ago with my family. I’m currently playing Horizon Zero Dawn, which is third-person, but it’s not isometric and I have more control over the camera angle. The uncooperative camera made OMENSIGHT frustrating at times, especially during battles and when looking for hidden chests. Veterans of this type of game might be used to the quirks but I’m not.

Graphics were my least favorite part of OMENSIGHT. For me, the clashing primary color palette and anthropomorphic animals just didn’t gel with the cataclysmic seriousness of the story. Or, as my oldest daughter put it, “What’s with the neon furries?”

The voice acting and general audio were good, from what I heard, and the fighting reminded me a bit of Kingdom Hearts or NieR: Automata, with pretty standard controls — jump, hit, dodge etc.

If you like the idea of playing a button-combo, isometric, neon furry Groundhog Day where you save the world, this is the game for you.

OMENSIGHT is available for PC and PS4. A Nintendo Switch version is available for pre-order Dec. 6 and release Dec. 13.

Rated “T” for teens for blood, violence, mild language and use of alcohol.

~ J.L. Hilton

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