New book only 28 days away

Only 28 days until the release of STELLARNET REBEL and things are getting very exciting! The book now appears on my publisher’s “coming soon” page and is available for pre-order on Amazon and B&N. It’s also listed on Goodreads.

Read an excerpt of the book online here.

I’m planning a book release party at Tir na nOg Irish Pub on January 5, and some release day giveaways. More info to come.

Also, here’s a pic I made of Belloc, the “mysterious Glin with uncanny abilities and a tragic past.” The Glin have larger than human eyes with large irises, and no ears (they have ear slits, but hear better than humans because they sense sound vibrations with their entire bodies).

I’ll be at the Celtic Christmas event tonight, where I’ll have 10% off promo postcards for Stellarnet Rebel, and I’ll be selling my steampunk and spacepunk jewelry. Come by and say ‘lo!

~ J.L. Hilton

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