WYTCHWOOD was my favorite video game of 2021. I loved it so much, I put together a swamp witch kit with replicas of several items found in the game.

Some of the items were purchased, such as the grimoire, red feather, black rose, gold coin, iron nail, protective talisman pentacle and empty jar. But I made the others myself, including the reedy twine, mending poultice, witch spice, gnome hat, soporific potion, dryad fruit, hagshroom, digestive tablets, key to my heart, wicked gemstone and pumpkinjack bone.

I sent a chest full of swamp witch goodies to the developers, Alien Trap Games, and received this letter, which I framed and hung in my studio.

A second chest was put together for my 2000 Subscriber Celebration, where I gave away prizes based on several of the video games I’d played on my channel.

I also made a Wytchwood charm bracelet, with goat, heart, mushroom, red rose, cauldron, pentacle, grimoire, key and witch eye charms.

~ J.L. Hilton
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