Stellarnet Rebel nominated for another sci-fi award

I just found out that the review staff from Love Romances & More Reviews nominated Stellarnet Rebel for Best Sci-Fi/Futuristic/Dystopian Book of the year.

Voting is going on now, and voters are all of the members of LR Cafe. LR Cafe is a Yahoo Group with a 4000+ membership where authors and readers can interact, enjoy themselves and talk about books. It’s free to join and free to vote. The polls are open until January 18, 2013.

My fellow Carina Press author Lily Cain is also nominated in the same category for her book Undercover Alliance.

Many thanks to Cindy Spencer Pape or I would never have known about the nomination!

Stellarnet Rebel is also the winner of the 2012 Galaxy Award for Best Non-Traditional Romance and a finalist in the Electronic Publishing Industry Coalition EPIC Award for best sci-fi ebook of the year.

~ J.L. Hilton

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