Trying to decide if I should eat some ice cream while watching the last hour of MKIceAndFire’s HORIZON FORBIDDEN WEST playthrough on YouTube.
It’s midnight. Is that too late?
My mister says “no one ever went to hell for eating ice cream.”

Yes, I’m watching FORBIDDEN WEST rather than playing it myself, which isn’t something I do very often. Usually, if a game is worth watching, it’s worth playing. But I had mixed feelings about its predecessor HORIZON ZERO DAWN and from what I’ve seen, I don’t think the sequel will be any better for me.
Livestreaming and/or recording gameplay always takes longer than playing alone or watching a playthrough, and I’ve made it a policy that I only play games I enjoy or feel excited about. I don’t play games just because they’re new, popular or catch the attention of an algorithm.
While it’s great seeing Dan Donohue (Teldryn Sero, Shriv, Warden Eternal) as Gerard Bieri, and there’s a cameo from Nil where he says, “The night begs for blood and machine oil… You ready to ride?” which I’ve written out and pinned to the wall of my studio, I’m just not wanting to spend another 60+ hours with Aloy in FORBIDDEN WEST.
But it’s a great excuse to eat ice cream.
~ J.L. Hilton
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