I recently watched The Guns of Navarone (1961), a movie that inspired the FALLOUT 3 Operation: Anchorage DLC (2009), specifically the “Guns of Anchorage” quest, and the original CASTLE WOLFENSTEIN (1981) video game by Silas Warner and Muse Software for the Apple ][ computer.
According to Digg, Warner mashed up the arcade game BERSERK and the oafish Nazis in The Guns Of Navarone to create a game of maze navigation with stealthy combat.
CASTLE WOLFENSTEIN was one of the first PC games I ever played, on a computer with a green screen monitor that belonged to one of my dad’s friends. It wasn’t until almost 40 years later that I played WOLFENSTEIN II: THE NEW COLOSSUS, and now here I am watching the movie that sparked it all.
Also, now I understand now why Jules said “You’re gettin’ ready to blow? … I’m the guns of Navarone!” in Pulp Fiction.
~ J.L. Hilton
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