Try-It Tuesday: URBAN JUNGLE

URBAN JUNGLE is a singleplayer cozy houseplant gardening simulator and puzzle game developed by three-person team Kylyk Games and released in March 2025.

Similar to Unpacking, URBAN JUNGLE is an object placement game that progresses through the stages of someone’s life via the places they live. There’s more dialogue in URBAN JUNGLE however, and even some dialogue choices as you talk to family members.

I don’t know if dialogue choices make a difference in the game, as I’ve only played two out of a total of eleven chapters so far.

The puzzle aspect is in the form of maximizing points based on houseplant variety and preferences for light, water and adjacent foliage, and completing objectives that require finding and interacting with objects in each scene.

There’s also a creative mode, which I prefer because I enjoy decorating each scene, rather than worrying about point values.

Unfortunately for me, I have shoulder problems so I use a touchpad on my laptop, not a mouse, and I couldn’t figure out how to rotate items, which seems to require a scroll wheel. But all other gameplay worked just fine with the usual left and right clicking and dragging. I could also zoom in and out by swiping my fingers together or apart on the touchpad.

There’s a free demo on Steam and the full game costs $11.99. Rated “E” for everyone 10 and up.

~ J.L. Hilton

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