Real-life Mississippi Quantum Pie from FALLOUT 3

This is something new for me! It’s a cooking video with my interpretation of Sierra Petrovita’s “Mississippi Quantum Pie” from FALLOUT 3

There’s a thing called a “Mississippi Mud Pie” in the US, but it’s chocolate, which didn’t seem similar to Nuka Quantum at all so I assumed Sierra used something like mutfruit or Dandy Boy Apples, even though she didn’t ask for those ingredients during her quest. 

She also has a brahmin outside her home in Girdershade, so she probably used butter, too, even though she didn’t mention it. The “Brahmin Butter” I used was just regular unsalted butter, cut into cubes.

I tried to make my Mississippi Quantum Pie look like a cross between the Pipboy icon and the item as it appears in FALLOUT 3. The Pipboy icon looks very similar to a hand held fruit pie or turnover, not a dessert in a pie pan, and the in-game item looks like a mirelurk cake if you drop it from your inventory.  

The “Nuka Quantum” I used in this video was Jones Berry Lemonade Soda, the official Bethesda promotional soda that was available for a limited time during the relase of FALLOUT 4

I made the mutfruit and some of the other props that appear in this video. If you want to make your own Fallout props, check out these links:   

Purified water:  

Nuka Quantum label:  

Dandy Boy Apples: 

I couldn’t eat it due to the gluten in the flour but my husband said it was delicious. I tasted the filling before it went into the crust and it sure was tangy and sweet.

I hope you have as much fun watching as I did making it! 

~ J.L. Hilton

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