Farewell, Kurt: GREEDFALL comes to an end

I finished GREEDFALL yesterday, after livestreaming daily for the entire month of February. I had no idea the game would take so long to complete. I thought it would take maybe a week or two to play, not 34 livestreams! 

GREEDFALL ranks up there alongside Wolfenstein II and the Dishonored franchise as one of my favorite video games. Not quite as high as God of War, Skyrim or Fallout 4, but very, very high on the list.

The game is played from third-person, front-and-center POV (like Witcher 3). I prefer first-person like Dishonored or at least over-the-shoulder like God of War. But that didn’t stop me from enjoying GREEDFALL‘s excellent story, music, voice acting, graphics and gameplay.

I found the story riveting and looked forward to seeing what would happen next, as if I was watching a TV series and not just playing a game. For me, an engaging story with good characters will keep me playing, regardless of any other shortcomings or game mechanics.

But my only major complaint with GREEDFALL was the uneven combat, with most fights being too easy and a few being wildly difficult. I wish there was something in between, so that I had a reason to practice the skills I needed when going up against bosses.

GREEDFALL doesn’t follow the typical fighter-mage-rogue RPG format, which kind of confused me at first. But I grew to appreciate the flexible skill system and unique 17th-century fantasy setting, with both magic and black powder pistols.

There’s a great deal of party management, and story outcomes hinge on gaining the favor of several factions. I also managed to spark one of the most difficult romances in the game.

GREEDFALL is rated “M” for mature audiences, due to blood, language, partial nudity, suggestive themes and violence.

SPOILER ALERT: The video below is from my last livestream. Endings differ depending on the choices you make throughout GREEDFALL, so you may not get the same scenes as I did, but some general plot twists are revealed. 

~ J.L. Hilton

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