Latest news about my next book

My next book STELLARNET PRINCE is coming out in November 2012 from Carina Press, and here’s the cover.

My 8-year-old daughter’s only comment about this cover was, “His belly button looks like a bug.” She is obviously not in the targeted reader demographic.

Book two in the Stellarnet Series continues the tale of blogger-turned-celebrity Genevieve O’Riordan — now known as “J’ni” to her alien lovers and Net followers. Humanity’s increasing interest in Duin’s planet brings aid to his people, but also poachers, sex traffickers and environmental exploitation. Duin and Belloc both harbor dangerous secrets that threaten to destroy everything — and everyone — they love.

Read the prologue of Stellarnet Prince here.

I also just found out that Stellarnet Prince will be available as an audio book from Audible. Which I assume means it will be available on iTunes too, like its predecessor Stellarnet Rebel.

I’m setting up a blog tour and lots of fun giveaways — including digital copies of both Stellarnet books, r’naw eye pendants, “Duin/Belloc 2064” political stickers, ThinkGeek gift certificates and more. Coming soon!

~ J.L. Hilton

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